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Vybraná pravidla silničního provozu pro cizince

Platforma Vize 0, Autoklub ČR a Policie ČR vytvořily informační leták pro zahraniční účastníky silničního provozu. 


Níže uvedené materiály obsahují informace pro cizince o pravidlech silničního provozu na území České republiky. Tisková sdělení i přiložené letáčky v jazykových mutacích jsou určeny zahraničním návštěvníkům.

Letáky jsou k dispozici v elektronické podobě a taktéž v tištěné podobě na vybraných čerpacích stanicích a v některých autopůjčovnách.

plk. Mgr. Zuzana Pidrmanová
6. září 2019

Selected Road Traffic Regulations for Foreigners

Platforma Vize 0, Autoclub of the Czech Republic and the Czech Police have created an information leaflet for foreign road traffic participants. It contains the basic rules of road traffic. The leaflet is available in an electronic form and it will also be available in a printed form at selected petrol stations and car rentals.

The Czech Republic is a popular tourist destination, moreover, it is an important transit country for many drivers. And so it is no wonder that foreign drivers cause several thousand accidents in the country, with dozens of casualties and more than a thousand road traffic participants injured.

One of the causes of the rate of accidents caused by foreigners is for certain their insufficient knowledge of the Czech traffic rules. Therefore, Platforma Vize 0, Autoclub of the Czech Republic and the Czech Police have prepared an overview of the most important traffic rules in our country in order to raise awareness among foreign drivers. The information material has been prepared in the form of a leaflet, available in English and German. It will be available both in an electronic and printed form; you can download it at the websites of Platforma Vize 0 (www.platformavize0.cz ) and the Autoclub of the Czech Republic (www.autoklub.cz). 

Foreign drivers can also pick up the information leaflets at selected petrol stations and some car rentals. Also, FIA (International Automobile Federation), the members of the international organisation of TISPOL (that unifies the services of the traffic control police in European countries) and Česká centrála cestovního ruchu – CzechTourism will also be informed of this campaign. We will be pleased to provide the created information material to other subjects as well, free of charge.

The information leaflets in English, German and also Czech are enclosed.

For more information, contact:

Roman Budský                                                                  Libor Budina

Platforma Vize nula                                                              Autoclub of the Czech Republic

tel.: 776 195 576                                                                  tel.: 727 901 494

e-mail: budsky.roman@volny.cz                                         e-mail: budina@autoklub.cz

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