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Policie České republiky – Služba cizinecké policie


General Aviation – informace pro kapitány letů

Dnem 1. srpna 2016 vstoupil v platnost nový zákon č. 191/2016 Sb., o ochraně státních hranic České republiky a změně souvisejících zákonů, který nahradil zákon č. 216/2002 Sb. Zákon č. 191/2016 Sb. přináší nové povinnosti pro provozovatele letišť s mezinárodním provozem a kapitány letů v rámci General Aviation. 

  1. Czech - informace pro kapitány letů
  2. English - information for flight captains

On August 1, 2016, the new Act No. 191/2016 Sb., on the protection of state borders of the Czech Republic and the amendment of related laws entered into force, which replaced Act No. 216/2002 Sb. Act No. 191/2016 Sb. brings new obligations for airport operators with international operations and flight captains within General Aviation.

Act No. 161/2016 Sb. brings new obligations to airport operators with international traffic and aircraft commanders in the case of private flights crossing the external borders of the Schengen area. Until now, the Czech legislation has not regulated a procedure that would reflect the provisions of point 2 of Annex No. VI of Regulation (EU) No. 2016/399 of the European Parliament and of the Council, establishing the Union Code on the Rules Governing the Cross-Border Movement of Persons (Schengen Border Code).

Duties of aircraft commanders within General Aviation:

As of August 1, 2016, the commander of a General Aviation aircraft must send the flight plan and passenger data to the ŘSCP before departure from or to the Czech Republic, including name, surname, date of birth, nationality and travel document number.

This information will be transmitted by the aircraft commander using a secure web application at the address: https://rscpapli.policie.cz at the latest when he submits a flight plan to Air Traffic Control and when he requests take-off or landing at all international airports in the Czech Republic.

The above information does not need to be provided by aircraft commanders (commanders) of aircraft of the Army of the Czech Republic and NATO armed forces.

"In the event of a server failure, if the pilot-in-command does not receive an automatic response to his e-mail address in the form, the pilot-in-command will send the required information to the e-mail address: apis@pcr.cz and ncc-czech@pcr.cz within 8 hours before the departure of the aircraft."

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