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Národní protidrogová centrála

Národní protidrogová centrála SKPV PČR

Rules for Authors English version


1. Focus of magazine

The Bulletin of the National Drug Headquarters (hereinafter NDH) is a professional, reviewed magazine of the NDH of the Criminal Police and Investigation Service of the Police of Czech Republic. It is issued quarterly and it publishes reviewed contributions from all fields of criminalistics, forensic disciplines, toxicology, addictology, and psychopharmacology. Unreviewed articles should correspond with the focus of the magazine and to concern drug issues by their contents. The purpose of the Bulletin is to inform professional community about all newest aspects and development trends in the field of drug crime, to unify practice of police authorities, to publish the most important closed cases at the territory of the Czech Republic as well as abroad.

The Bulletin publishes:
- editorials
- reviews - up to 10 standard pages
- original research papers - up to 10 standard pages
- short communications - up to 6 standard pages
- papers - unreviewed popular articles
- book reviews
- reviews of devices, measuring techniques and chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear devices
- biographic articles and reports from congresses and symposiums
There is a reserved space for paid advertising in each issue of the magazine.
The editorials are reserved for the management of the NDH and they comment current events in drug field in a qualified and brief way. Original research papers summarize important results achieved in a given topic of the professional field and their theoretical and practical consequences and contexts.  Synoptical articles with a broader focus dedicated to current and interdisciplinary themes are considered being convenient.
Reviews serve as a source of enlightenment for those who are specialized in other fields than the subject of the review above all for policemen working in drug field, for forensic experts, for toxicologists and for students of forensic sciences. Therefore they should be got rid of unnecessary details.
Original research papers are addressed to specialists from forensic sciences, to toxicologists, and to doctors above all. Such contributions should have a standard structure (introduction and purpose of work, used methodology, data processing, evaluation of results and conclusions).
Short communications are destined for informing about current events by their extent e. g. a warning report about a new psychotropic substance, about a wave of intoxications, about changes in legislation etc.
Book reviews evaluate the reviewed work from the point of view of the state of literature of the given field of science and emphasizes its mission and importance. It is suitable to acquaint readers with the content of the work (nevertheless it is not necessary to reprint it in details) and to evaluate the way of presentation of the book, its pluses and minuses, and a scientific benefit of the book. Reviews are usually written based on the call of editors. The editors are not obliged to publish unrequested reviews.
The section of reviews of devices accepts mostly contributions based on the call of editors eventually it should bring very current trends about new devices mainly about mobile detection devices from chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear area.
Reports from business trips, professional meetings bringing facts about their course are published only if they offer valuable information of a broader importance.

2. General Instructions

The Bulletin of NDH publishes contributions in Czech and Slovak languages. English articles are accepted only if at least one author of them is a foreigner. Such articles are mainly requested and published rather exceptionally in the Bulletin.
Handwritings should be sent in electronic form to the e-mail address of editors:
Police Presidium of Czech Republic
POB 62/NPC, 170 89 Praha 7
e-mail: tomas.kratina@pcr.cz
In your covering letter to the sent work, please, use literally the formulation that your contribution is destined exclusively for the Bulletin of NDH and it has not been published in any other periodicum yet as well as sent for its publication to such media and that all research linked with the work fulfils ethic norms requirements and it is fully in compliance with the valid legislation of the Czech Republic.
The handwriting has to be provided with the full name of the author, with the name and postal address of his place of work and with his e-mail address. If there are several co-authors it is necessary to mark whom should be the correspondence sent to. If such designation is missed editors correspond with the first author in the row. The editors confirm the acceptance of the handwriting to the author.
The editors reserve the right to refuse handwritings not only based on their factual insufficiencies but also then if they do not suit to the guidelines or the profile of the magazine.
Owing to a different structure of various types of contributions published in the Bulletin of NDH, the editors recommend to authors to structure their handwritings according to similar works published in the magazine since the issue no. 3 from 2015 which meet requirements of a reviewed impact magazine. A thorough preparation of the handwriting speeds up its further procession by the editors.
The author receives page corrections. They serve for correction of misprints, for a rigorous check of formulas and numerical data exclusively not for changes of the text. The corrections should be sent back per return otherwise the editors cannot guarantee making corrections.

3 Structure of Handwriting

The structure, state and form of handwriting come out from the type, content and mission of the article and they take into account some general rules and usages of the magazine. Reviewed articles have the following structure. A review is divided into: the name of the work, the names of authors and their places of work, the abstract in Czech and in English, key words in Czech and in  English, the text divided into chapters (introduction and purpose of the work, used methodology, experimental part - data processing, evaluation of results and conclusion). Short communications have the same structure as reviews.

4. Preparation of Handwriting - General Rules

The name should contain the information about the purpose and results of the work in the form suitable for computer processing. That is why all nonfunctional words should be omitted from the name. It is not convenient to involve terms only later defined in the text into the title. An adequate length of the name is up to ten words. It is necessary to add also English translation to the name of the work.
Names of authors and addresses of their places of work are mentioned in their full meaning including e-mail addresses. If authors are from different places of work their assignment is done using literal upper indexes e. g.:
Jakub Frydrycha, Pavel Kolář, Cyril Höschlc
aNárodní protidrogová centrála
bKriminalistický ústav Praha
cNárodní ústav duševního zdraví

Key words are written with small initial letters and they are divided by semicolons. Their number is limited at eight. Abbreviations are not recommended. The key words should be also mention in the English translation.

The introduction should briefly define the object of the contribution, characterize the state of current knowledge of the issue, the approach to the presentation of literature data (concerning reviews and discussions). Quotations of comprehensive elaborations of the issue (if they are available) and the essential and newest works should be given priority to. The experimental part (provided with the title) is contained by the articles in the section Original Works. It is necessary to describe used materials, methods, procedures, respectively devices within this part in order the reader could reproduce the mentioned measurements or experiments. If it regards the procedures being subjects of the regime of secrecy ( e. g. the procedure of manufacturing psychotropic substance in domestic environment) it is possible to enclose it as an annex of the publication available at the editors only based on written request by an authorized person ( expert witness, forensic expert etc.). Operations, procedures, devices and substances already known are mentioned only through a link to the literature.

Results and discussion are the necessary component of contributions in the section Original works. They usually contain the enumeration of achieved results (primary data, or the data derived by calculation) and conclusions which could be drawn from them first, then the comparison of the results with the data from literature, the discussion about causes of eventual differences and contradictions etc. If the extent is wider it is appropriate to sign different parts of results and discussion by their own titles. The readability is also supported by the presentation of results in the form of charts, pictures, using equations, reaction schemes etc.

The conclusions as an independent chapter can be used in reviews and short communications. The list of symbols (physical quantities, abbreviations of chemical compounds and procedures, acronyms) is desirable in each article which contains a larger number of them in its text, mathematical equations, schemes etc.

The literature follows the principles identical with the established practice of the magazine of Chemicke listy. See the handed over rules below.

5. Quotation Rules of Bulletin of NDH

Links to literature are numbered in the order in which they appear in the text of the work. They are mentioned in the form of an exponent (without brackets) in the relevant place of text (including charts and images). The list of quotations should be mentioned at a special page (pages) and written with the spacing 2. It is not allowed to use neither automatic numbering nor footnotes. The abbreviations of magazines are used in accordance to the Chemical Abstract Service source Index (see http://cassi.cas.org/search.jsp) including the transliteration of names of authors, names of books etc. written in a different alphabet than a Latin one (exceptions see below). The links to inaccessible literature (internal research reports, company literature of non-periodical character), to unpublished works, private communications, lectures with an unpublished full text etc. should be minimized. The links to works accessible with difficulties should be completed with the link to Chemical Abstracts. Similarly, the link to referring magazine is required with hardly accessible works from the point of view of language (Chinese, Korean, Japanese etc.) as well eventually also with patents (see below).
Structure of quotations of works published in magazines
Surnames of authors are mentioned followed by initials with a dot. If one of the authors has several initials it is suitable to divide them by so called hard space. Different authors are divided by commas, the conjunction "and" is not used, a colon is written behind the last word, e. g.:
Horack S.M., Kurill A.J.:
Periodicals with files
The name of magazine is given in the form of abbreviations (see Chemical Abstract Service Source Index, exceptions below) and then the number of file by italics without dividing them by a comma and by normal letters the number of the first page of the work and the year in brackets. The quotation is always finished by a dot:
Helv. Chim. Acta 73, 2263 (1990).

Periodicals without files
If the magazine is not divided into files the year is mentioned after the name of magazine (by italics) and then the name of the work:
Horack S.M., Kurill A.J.: Tetrahedron Lett. 1997. 27.

Works of authors not using Latin alphabet
It is up to authors of handwriting if names of Russian speaking authors are mentioned in Czech or English transcription (both Zelinskaja V. JA. and Zelinskaya V. Ya. or Puškin Ju. A. and Pushkin Yu. A. are acceptable). The Czech transcription is recommended with quotations according to the Russian original. The English transcription is recommended with quotations from works written in English. Only the English transcription is acceptable with Chinese, Japanese and similar authors. Nevertheless, it is required to mention the form used in Chemical Abstracts with names of magazines, i. e. correctly e. g. Khim. Fiz., not Chim. Fiz, correctly Zh. Obshch. Khim., not Ž. Obšč. Chim.

Article in a less accessible periodical
It is completed by a link to Chemical Abstracts divided by a semicolon:
Kameda N., Ando M., Igarashi R.: Nippon Kagaku Kaishi 6, 603 (1992); Chem. Abstr. 117, 89670 (1992).

The name of book is always written by italics. The name of publisher, the place and the year of publication are mentioned at the end of the quotation. If a book does not have publisher and it is quoted as a whole the following form is used:
Lowenstein K. A.: Silicones. A Story of Research. Wiley, New York 1979.
If a book has publisher (publishers) and it is quoted as a whole only names of publishers are mentioned (names of authors of different contributions are ignored):
James K., Petera P. (Eds): Light Scattering, Random House Ltd., Washington 1991.
If it is about the quotation from one of contributions (chapters) the following form is used:
Gutter G., in the book: Catalytic Hydrogenation (Reddorf K., Bitter S., ed.) file II., chap.7 Elsevier. Amsterdam 1985.
If it is about a specific piece of information (date, chart etc.) the number of page is used:
Cram D. J., Hammond G. S.: Organic Chemistry, p. 543. McGraw-Hill Book Company, second edition, New York 1964.

Lectures/posters at conferences
The full name of conference (congress, symposium) has to be mentioned in original language and then the place and the date, respectively time span (everything in italics). If a proceedings of the conference was issued it is necessary to quote in brackets its editors and then respectively the file and always the page. Data about publisher, place of publication, respectively about the sort of contribution should not be mentioned if only an abstract was published not a full text. But it is always welcome:
Corning D. R.: 10th Annual IUPAC Congress: Structure of Polymers, Prague, 31 Aug. - 4 Sept.1998, Book of Abstracts (Dana J. F., ed.) p. 137 (respectively Poster No., Plenary Lecture etc.).
Bennito R., Saquala S.: Sulfur Chemistry. Proc. 7th Eur. Meeting, Alma Ata, 7-15 June 1992 (Zaramayev S. A., ed.), A62. SIAS, Alma Ata 1993.
In some proceedings mainly from inland conferences it could bve a problem to find the name of editor. Sometimes, it can be substituted by the president of editorial board, by the professional guarantor of conference etc. If it is really impossible to identify the editor in the proceedings it is necessary to mention this fact in brackets there where the name is usually written, i. e. for instance:
Novák V.: Konference Makrotest, Pardubice, 11-14 June 1973, Sborník přednášek, part I (without editor), p. 3. Výzkumný ústav syntetických pryskyřic a laků v Pardubicích, Dům techniky ČVTS v Pardubicích, 1973.
If neither the proceedings of the conference nor the book of abstracts were published then it is possible to quote only exceptionally in justified cases in the following way:
Bihas A. A.: presented at 7th Int. Conf. Organomet. Chem., Paris, 7th February 1995.
If the full text of a contribution was published in the proceedings then it is necessary to quote it as a book, i. e. including the editor, place and year of publication:
Corning D. R.: Proceedings of 10th Annual IUPAC Congress: Structure of Polymers (Dana J. F., ed.), p. 556. Huethig, Heidelberg 1993.

Patents and patent applications
Names of originators, then the abbreviation specifying where the patent application was submitted and the number of the patent and the number of the application should be mentioned in quotations of patents and patent applications. The editors recommend to mention also the applicant in brackets after the names of originators. It is possible to mention the year of publication, the relevant link to Chemical Abstracts or to the patent class in brackets at the end of the quotation but it is not obligatory:
Fuchikamiu T., Ubukata Y.: PCT Int. Appl. WO 91 09674.
Kusano M., Ishii M. (Kuraray Co.): EP 731 111 (CO8F8/00).

Yet not published works, private communications and unpublished results
These sources should be quoted only exceptionally in justified cases. It is necessary to differentiate at which stage of publication procedure the work currently stands, i. e. for instance
Novák F.: Chem. Listy, sent/accepted/being printed.
Dvořák O.: private communication
Nový S.: unpublished results.

Theses and dissertations, research reports
Tian M.: Dissertation, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, USA, 1994.
Točík Z.: Thesis. Univerzita Karlova, Praha 1968.
Kvasina F.: Candidate Dissertation, Univerzita Karlova, Praha 1997.
Kvasina F.: Research Report No. 335/97, Univerzita Karlova, Praha 1997.

Computer programs, charts if their author is known are quoted then in such manner:
Nardelli M.: PARST. System of Computer Routines for Calculating Molecular Parameters from the Results of Crystal Structure. University of Parma, Parma 1991.
If the editor is known only then in such a way:
PARST. System of Computer Routines for Calculating Molecular Parameters from the Results of Crystal Structure (Naredelli M., ed.). University of Parma, Parma 1991.
If the editor is unknown or there is a team of editors:
PARST. System of Computer Routines for Calculating Molecular Parameters from the Results of Crystal Structure. University of Parma, Parma 1991.
International Tables for X-ray Crystallography, Vol. IV. Kynoch Press, Birmingham 1974.

Company materials
Quotations of them should be sporadic. If it is about catalogues it is quoted in this way:
Aldrich: Catalogue of Pure Chemicals 1999-2000 (Czech Republic), p.1940.
Fluka, Riedel-de haen: Laboratory Chemicals and Analytical Agents 1999/2000 (Czech Republic), p.57.
Sometimes, it can be suitable to add also the link to the internet address completed with the date of the download, e. g.:
https://www.sigma-aldrich.com, downloaded September 3, 1999.

The following formulations are used about application and product pieces of information:
Spolana a.s.: Application of Linear Alpha Olefins NERATEN: Final Adjustment of Ingredients to Polymers and Rubber Mixtures. Spolana, Neratovice 1998.
OSi Specialities Inc.: Silanes for Waterborne Systems (Data Sheets). OSi Specialities, Endicott 1995.
Basel Ges.: Company catalogue "Tarry Pigments", 1993.
It is also convenient to mention the internet address here, e. g.:  
Spolana a. s.: Neraten - Linear Alpha Olefins: Neraten 30+ (Aug. 1998). Spolana, Neratovice 1998. http://www.spolana.cz, downloaded on October 7, 1998.

Judicial documents, standards
You should always mention the name of the law, e. g.:
Law No. 309/1992 of Collection of Laws, about protection of atmosphere against polluting substances (law about atmosphere), (e. g. article 28, paragraph 1a). Collection of Laws 1992, part 57, p. 1343.
Regulation, regulations to implement a statute, directives etc.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Construction Quality Assurance for Hazardous Waste Disposal, EPA-530-SW-85-021 (U.S. EPA 1986).

Technical standards
The name of the standard has to be mentioned (the number is not enough):
ISO Standard 8192-84: Water quality: Test for inhibition of oxygen consumption.
ČSN ISO 5724-1: Precision (correctness and consistency) of Methods and Results of Measuring - Part General Rules and Definitions, January 1997).
DIN 38 414, Teil 4: Schlamm und Sedimente (Gruppe S)(1984).
OECD Guidelines for Testing of Chemicals (Paris)1992, 15.

Internet pages
The internet address (URL) can be mentioned also fully independently. Owing to the fact that the content of website can be continuously changed it is necessary to mention in quotation when the piece of information was downloaded.

6. Summary and English abstract

Necessary component of each contribution is the summary which should be presented both in Czech and English version. The abstract is elaborated in the form of a coherent text. It should assist to the reader to have orientation in the contribution and it should be a digest of it. Its structure should follow the structure of the work itself. The extent of an abstract is from 100 up to maximum 500 words. The abstract has to be provided also min English language. The extent of the text of summary is ruled by the length of the contribution itself. Abbreviations, quotations of literature, charts, images and links to the text are excluded in the summary.

7. Technical instructions

It is suitable to write the handwriting in the format of text editor MS Word or in the RTF format. Highlighting the text, upper and lower index, italics etc. can be used in the usual way.
Font: Times New Roman
Font size: 12
Spacing: 1
Alignment to block with indentation of paragraph 5
In compliance with the adjustment used by the magazine, it is necessary also to choice the type of font (italics and bold font but never special fonts like wide, high, semi bold, interlaced fonts). I. e. always standard font should be used.  The graphic edit is always the matter of typesetting itself. Graphics (frames) are not allowed in charts. 
Pictures: Pictures, chemical formulas and diagrams should not be a part of the text but they have to be delivered separately as separate files. The pictures should have minimal distinction of 300 dpi. Locations of pictures, chemical formulas and diagrams should be marked in the text: picture No. 1 explaining text (source).

Structural formulas and diagrams
The authors who draw formulas in the programs ChemDraw, ChemSketch, or ISIS Draw send the relevant files separately from the text file. Other programs could be processed by editors only with difficulties. While exploiting ChemDraw, please, use the setting ACS from the offer "File - Apply document settings from". In ChemSketch, please, use the setting "Properties - JOC Style (1996)". In ISIS Draw, please, use the setting "Options-Read Journal or Custom Settings" and choose "JACS.cfg".

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